If you’d like a copy of something listed here and don’t have access, feel free to send me a note.
Appleby, L., Caspari-Gnann, I., Gouvea, J., Hammer, D., & Tobin, R. (2024). Instructor listening during lecture: A case from introductory chemistry. Journal of College Science Teaching, 1–8. Link to article.
Descamps, I., Jeon, S., Scherr, R.E., Holmes, N.G. & Hammer, D. (2024). Dynamics of productive confirmation framing in an introductory lab. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 20 (2). Link to article.
Tang, X. & Hammer, D. (2024). “I think of it that way and it helps me understand”: Anthropomorphism in elementary students' mechanistic stories.Science Education 108, 661-679. Link to article.
Button, J, Pamuk Turner, D., & Hammer, D. (2023). How chemists handle not-knowing in reasoning about a novel problem. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 24, 956-970. Link to article.
Sundstrrom, M., Fussell, R.K., Phillips, A.M., Akubo, M., Allen, S.E., Hammer, D., Scherr, R.E., & Holmes, N.G.(2023). Instructing nontraditional physics labs: Toward responsiveness to student epistemic framing. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 19 (2). Link to article.
Suárez, E., Quan, G., Hammer, D., & Atkins, L. (2023). Learning in interaction: Interacting lines of research. In M. F. Tasar & P. R. L. Heron (Eds) International Handbook of Physics Education Research: Learning Physics. Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics. Link to the chapter.
Hammer, D. (2023). The necessarily, wonderfully unsettled state of methodology in PER: A reflection. In M. F. Tasar & P. R. L. Heron (Eds.) International Handbook of Physics Education Research: Special Topics. (pp. 22.1-22.12). Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics. Link to the chapter.
Holmes, N., Phillips, A., & Hammer, D. (2022). Science Education in the Post-Truth Era. In J. Guisasola & E. McLoughlin (Eds.) Connecting Research in Physics Education with Teacher Education 3. International Commission of Physics Education. Links to the book and to this chapter.
Jaber, L, Dini, V., & Hammer, D. (2022). “Well that’s how the kids feel!” Epistemic empathy as a driver of responsive teaching. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 59., 223-251. Link to article.
Appleby, L.., Dini, V., Withington, L., LaMotte, E., & Hammer, D. (2021) Disciplinary significance of social caring in postsecondary science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 17, 023106. Link to article.
Tang, X., Elby, A., & Hammer, D. (2020). The tension between pattern‐seeking and mechanistic reasoning in explanation construction: A case from Chinese elementary science classroom. Science Education. Link to article.
Hammer, D. & Manz, E. (2019). Odd ideas about learning science: A response to Osborne. Science Education, 103, 1289-1293. Link to article.
Radoff, J., Jaber, L.Z, & Hammer, D. (2019). “It’s Scary but It’s Also Exciting”: Evidence of Meta-Affective Learning in Science. Cognition and Instruction 37(1), 73-92. Link to article, Preprint.
Phillips, A.M., Watkins, J., & Hammer, D. (2018). Beyond “Asking questions:” Problematizing as a disciplinary activity.Journal of Research in Science Teaching. Link to article, Preprint.
Hammer, D., Gouvea, J.S., & Watkins, J. (2018). Idiosyncratic cases and hopes for general validity: What education research might learn from ecology / Casos idiosincrásicos y expectativas de validez general: lo que la investigación en educación puede aprender de la ecología, Infancia y Aprendizaje, 41(1), p. 1-48. Link to article
Hill, C. F. C., Gouvea, J. S., & Hammer, D. (2018). TA attention and responsiveness to student reasoning in written work. CBE-Life Sciences Education 17(2). Link to article
Jaber, L., Dini, V., & Danahy, E. (2018). Targeting disciplinary practices online with a responsive teaching approach. Science Education, 102(4), 668-692. Link to article
Watkins, J., McCormick, M., Wendell, K., Spencer, K., Portsmore, M., & Hammer, D. (2018). Data-based conjectures for supporting responsive teaching in engineering design with elementary teachers. Science Education, 102(3), 548-570. Link to article
Hammer, D. (2018). The interacting dynamics of epistemology and conceptual understanding. In T. Amin & O. Levrini (Eds.), Converging Perspectives on Conceptual Change: Mapping an Emerging Paradigm in the Learning Sciences. (pp.245-252). New York: Routledge. Preprint
Watkins, J., Phillips, A. M., Radoff, J., Jaber, L. & Hammer, D. (2018). Positioning as not-understanding: The value of showing uncertainty for engaging in science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 55(4), 573-599. Link to article.
Phillips, A.M., Watkins, J., & Hammer, D. (2017). Problematizing as a scientific endeavor. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 13(2) 020107. Link to article.
Sikorski, T.R. & Hammer, D. (2017). Looking for coherence in science curriculum. Science Education, 101(6), 929-943. Link to article.
Dini, V. & Hammer, D. (2017). Case study of a successful learner’s epistemological framings of quantum mechanics. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 13(1) 010124. Link to article.
Watkins, J., Coffey, J. E., Maskiewicz, A. C., & Hammer, D. (2017). An account of teachers’ epistemological progress in science. In G. Schraw, J. Lunn Brownlee, L. Olafson & M. VanderVeldt Brye (Eds.), Teachers’ Personal Epistemologies: Evolving Models for Informing Practice. (pp. 89-113). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press.
Radoff, J., Jaber, L.Z., & Hammer, D. (2016). Meta-affective learning in an introductory physics course. In D. L. Jones, L. Ding, & A.L. Traxler (Eds.), Physics Education Research Conference 2016 Proceedings. Link to paper.
McCormick, M.E. & Hammer, D. (2016). Stable beginnings in engineering design. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research, 6(1), 45-54. Link to article.
Elby, A., Macrander, C, & Hammer, D. (2016). Epistemic cognition in science. In I. Bråten, J. Greene, and W. Sandoval (Eds). Handbook of Epistemic Cognition. (pp. 113-127). New York: Routledge
Jaber, L. & Hammer, D. (2016). Learning to feel like a scientist. Science Education, 100(2), 189-220. Link to article.
Jaber, L. & Hammer, D. (2016). Engaging in science: A feeling for the discipline. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 25(2), 156-202. Link to article, Preprint.
Milto, E., Wendell, K. B., Watkins, J., Hammer, D., Spencer, K., Portsmore, M., & Rogers, C. (2016). Elementary school engineering for fictional clients in children’s literature. In L.A. Annetta and J. Minogue (Eds.), Connecting Science and Engineering Education Practices in Meaningful Ways (pp.263-291). Springer International Publishing.
Robertson, A., Scherr, R. E., & Hammer, D. (Eds.) (2016) Responsive Teaching in Science and Mathematics. New York: Routledge, and within that:
• Radoff, J. & Hammer, D. Attention to student framing in responsive teaching. (pp. 189-202),
• Hammer, D. Epilogue. (pp. 249-253)
Conlin, L. & Hammer, D. (2015) From the individual to the ensemble and back again. In A. diSessa, M. Levin, & N. Brown (Eds.), Knowledge and Interaction: A Synthetic Agenda for the Learning Sciences. New York: Routledge.
Hammer, D. and Sikorski, T. (2015) Implications of complexity for research on learning progressions. Science Education, 99(3) 424-431. Link to article.
Hammer, D. and Radoff, J. (2014) Children doing science: Essential idiosyncrasy and the challenges of assessment. Commissioned paper for Successful Out-of-School STEM Learning: A Consensus Study, NRC Board on Science Education. Link to paper; Link to talk
Watkins, J., Spencer, K., and Hammer, D. (2014) Examining young students' problem scoping in engineering design. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education, 4 (1), 43-53. Link to article
Hammer, D & Berland, L.K. (2014) Confusing claims for data: A critique of common practices for presenting qualitative research on learning. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 23(1), 37-46. Link to article
Hammer, D. (2012). Challenges and possibilities of meaningful assessment in large lecture introductory physics. Background Paper for the National Study of Education in Undergraduate Science, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. Paper.
Hammer, D., Goldberg, F., & Fargason, S. (2012). Responsive teaching and the beginnings of energy in a third grade classroom. Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education, 6(1), 51-72. Link to article
Levin, D. M., Grant, T., & Hammer, D. (2012). Attending and responding to student thinking in science. The American Biology Teacher, 74 (3), 158-162. Link to article
Berland, L. K., & Hammer, D. (2012). Students' framings and their participation in scientific argumentation. In M. S. Khine (Ed.), Perspectives on Scientific Argumentation (pp. 73-93). New York: Springer. Link to chapter
Berland, L. K., & Hammer, D. (2012). Framing for scientific argumentation. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 48 (1),68-94. Link to article
Levin, D.M., Hammer, D, Elby A. & Coffey, J. E. (2012). Becoming a Responsive Science Teacher: Focusing on Student Thinking in Secondary Science. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.
Coffey, J. E., Hammer, D., Levin, D. M., & Grant, T. (2011). The missing disciplinary substance of formative assessment. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 48 (10), 1109-1136. Link to article
Hammer, D., Gupta, A., & Redish, E. F. (2011). On static and dynamic intuitive ontologies. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 20 (1), 163-168. Link to article
Gupta, A., Hammer, D., & Redish, E. F. (2010). The case for dynamic models of learners' ontologies in physics. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 19 (3), 285-321. Link to article
Elby, A., & Hammer, D. (2010). Epistemological resources and framing: A cognitive framework for helping teachers interpret and respond to their students’ epistemologies. In L. D. Bendixon & F. C. Feucht (Eds.), Personal Epistemology in the Classroom: Theory, Research, and Implications for Practice (pp. 409-434). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Preprint.
Hutchison, P., & Hammer, D. (2010). Attending to student epistemological framing in a science classroom. Science Education, 94(3), 506-524. Link to article
Conlin, L., Gupta, A. & Hammer, D. (2010). Framing and resource activation: Bridging the cognitive-situative divide using a dynamic unit of cognitive analysis. In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 19-24). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. Link to article
Conlin, L, Gupta, A. and Hammer, D. (2010). Where to find the mind: Identifying the scale of cognitive dynamics In K. Gomez, L. Lyons, & J. Radinsky (Eds.) Learning in the Disciplines: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference of the Learning Sciences (pp. 277-284). Chicago, IL: ISLS. Link to article
Sikorski, T. and Hammer, D. (2010). A critique of how learning progressions research conceptualizes sophistication and progress. In K. Gomez, L. Lyons, & J. Radinsky (Eds.) Learning in the Disciplines: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference of the Learning Sciences (pp. 277-284). Chicago, IL: ISLS. Link to article
Levin, D. M., Hammer, D., & Coffey, J. E. (2009). Novice teachers' attention to student thinking. Journal of Teacher Education, 60(2), 142-154. Link to article
Scherr, R. E., & Hammer, D. (2009). Student Behavior and Epistemological Framing: Examples from Collaborative Active-Learning Activities in Physics. Cognition and Instruction, 27(2), 147-174. Link to article.
Redish, E. F., & Hammer, D. (2009). Reinventing college physics for biologists: Explicating an epistemological curriculum. American Journal of Physics, 77(7), 629-642. Link to article
Russ, R. S., Coffey, J. E., Hammer, D., & Hutchison, P. (2009). Making Classroom Assessment More Accountable to Scientific Reasoning: A Case for Attending to Mechanistic Thinking. Science Education, 93(5), 875-891. Link to article
Russ, R. S., Scherr, R. E., Hammer, D., & Mikeska, J. (2008). Recognizing mechanistic reasoning in student scientific inquiry: A framework for discourse analysis developed from philosophy of science. Science Education 92 (3), 499-525. Link to article
Brown, D. E., & Hammer, D. (2008). Conceptual change in physics. In S. Vosniadou (Ed.), International Handbook of Research on Conceptual Change. New York: Routledge. (pp. 127-154)
Hammer, D., Russ, R., Mikeska, J., & Scherr, R. (2008). Identifying inquiry and conceptualizing students’ abilities. In R. Duschl & R. Grandy (Eds). Establishing a Consensus Agenda for K-12 Science Inquiry. Rotterdam, NL: Sense Publishers. Preprint.
Hammer, D. & van Zee, E. H. (2006). Seeing the science in children's thinking: Case studies of student inquiry in physical science. (Book and DVD) Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
May, D.B., Hammer, D., & Roy, P. (2006). Children's analogical reasoning in a 3rd-grade science discussion. Science Education 90 (2), 316-330. Link to article
Rosenberg, S.A., Hammer, D., & Phelan (2006) Multiple epistemological coherences in an eighth-grade discussion of the rock cycle. Journal of the Learning Sciences 15(2), 261-292. Link to article
Hammer, D., Elby, A., Scherr, R. E., & Redish, E. F. (2005). Resources, framing, and transfer. In J. Mestre (Ed.), Transfer of Learning from a Modern Multidisciplinary Perspective (pp. 89-120). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. Chapter.
van Zee, E. H., Hammer, D., Bell, M., Roy, P., & Peter, J. (2005). Learning and teaching science as inquiry: A case study of elementary school teachers’ investigations of light. Science Education 89(6), 1007-1042. Link to article
Hammer, D., & Coffey, J. (2005). What NASA has to offer. In G. Walker, E. Wahl & L. Rivas (Eds.), NASA and Afterschool Programs: Connecting to the Future (pp. 76-83). Washington, DC: NASA. Link to essay
Hammer, D. (2004). The variability of student reasoning, lectures 1-3. In E. Redish & M. Vicentini (Eds.), Proceedings of the Enrico Fermi Summer School, Course CLVI. Bologna: Italian Physical Society.
Lecture 1: Case studies of children's inquiries, pp. 279-299. Preprint
Lecture 2: Transitions, pp. 301-319. Preprint.
Lecture 3: Manifold cognitive resources, pp 321-340. Preprint.
Louca, L., Elby, A., Hammer, D., & Kagey, T. (2004). Epistemological resources: Applying a new epistemological framework to science instruction. Educational Psychologist, 39 (1), 57-68. Link to article
Hammer, D. & Elby, A. (2003). Tapping students' epistemological resources. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 12 (1), 53-91. Link to article.
diSessa, A., Elby, A, & Hammer, D. (2002). J's epistemological stance and strategies. In G. M. Sinatra and P. R. Pintrich (Eds.), Intentional Conceptual Change (pp. 237-290). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Hammer, D. & Elby, A. (2002). On the form of a personal epistemology. In B. K. Hofer, & P. R. Pintrich (Eds.), Personal Epistemolgy: The Psychology of Beliefs about Knowledge and Knowing (pp. 169-190). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Preprint
Hammer, D. and Schifter, D. (2001). Practices of inquiry in teaching and research. Cognition and Instruction., 19 (4), 441-478. Link to article.
Elby, A. & Hammer, D. (2001). On the substance of a sophisticated epistemology. Science Education, 85 (5), 554-567. Link to article
Hammer, D. (2001). Powerful technology and powerful instruction. In T. Koschmann, R. Hall, & N. Miyake (Eds.), CSCL 2:Carrying Forward the Conversation (pp. 339-403), Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Preprint
Hammer, D. (2000). Student resources for learning introductory physics. American Journal of Physics, Physics Education Research Supplement, 68 (S1), S52-S59. Link to article.
Hammer, D. (2000). Teacher inquiry. In J. Minstrell, & E. van Zee (Eds.), Inquiring into Inquiry Learning and Teaching in Science. Washington DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science, pp. 184-215. (Also 1999, In the Paper Series of the Center for the Development of Teaching at EDC, in Newton, MA.) Preprint
Hammer, D. (1999). Physics for first-graders? Science Education 83 (6), 797-799. Full text
Hammer, D. (1997). Discovery learning and discovery teaching. Cognition and Instruction, 15 (4), 485-529. Link to article
Hammer, D. (1996). More than misconceptions: Multiple perspectives on student knowledge and reasoning, and an appropriate role for education research. American Journal of Physics, 64 (10), 1316-1325. Link to article
Hammer, D. (1996). Misconceptions or p-prims: How may alternative perspectives of cognitive structure influence instructional perceptions and intentions? Journal of the Learning Sciences, 5 (2), 97-127. Link to article
Hammer, D. and DiMauro, V. (1996). Student teachers on LabNet: Linking preservice teachers with a professional community. Electronic Journal of Science Education, 1 (2). Link to article
Hammer, D. (1995). Epistemological considerations in teaching introductory physics. Science Education, 79 (4), 393-413. Link to article
Hammer, D. (1995). Student inquiry in a physics class discussion. Cognition and Instruction, 13 (3), 401-430. Link to article
Hammer, D. (1994). Students' beliefs about conceptual knowledge in introductory physics. International Journal of Science Education, 16(4), 385-403. Link to article
Hammer, D. (1994). Epistemological beliefs in introductory physics. Cognition and Instruction, 12 (2), 151-183. Link to article
Sherin, B., diSessa, A., and Hammer, D. (1993) Dynaturtle revisited: Learning physics through collaborative design of a computer model. Interactive Learning Environments, 3 (2), p. 91-118. Link to article
Metz, K., and Hammer, D. (1993). Learning physics in a computer microworld: In what sense a world? Interactive Learning Environments, 3(1), 55-76. Link to article
diSessa, A., Hammer, D., Sherin, B., and Kolpakowski, T. (1991). Inventing graphing: Meta-representational expertise in children. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 10, p. 117-160. Link to article
Hammer, D.M. (1991). Defying common sense: Epistemological beliefs in an introductory physics course. Dissertation, University of California at Berkeley. Link to file
Hammer, D. (1989). Two approaches to learning physics. The Physics Teacher, 27, p. 664-671. Link to article